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[   Resonator   |   Drone   |   Tuning   |   Scale   ]

The Sympathetic Resonator strings can be set to any tuning in GeoShred's list of scales with a maximium of eight notes from the scale. If the number of notes assigned to the resonator exceeds eight, then only the first eight notes will be used. The eight strings and their tunings are displayed at the top of the Scale group.


Scale Group


A repeating droning pattern in terms of string numbers can be set here to overide the statisical droning pattern. The patten is a list of comma separated string numbers. For example, the pattern: "1,1,1,5" will excite first string three times, then the fifth string one time, and then repeat. The pattern length is unlimited.


A dropdown to select the scale that the resonator will be tuned to. The tuning of the resonator strings is displayed at the top of the Tuning Group. NOTE: for the resonator the scale that the strings are tune to is the UNION of the ascending and decening scale. This is to support resonance of both the ascending and decending keys on the keyboard.

Customize Scale

Brings up a view controller for customizing the current scale in intervals. Temperament ET-diffs may be set here as well. The temperament ET-diffs may be seeded with the built in temperaments.


A dropdown to select the root of the resonator scale.


A dropdown to select the temperament for the resonator strings. Not enabled for custom scales because they can have their own temperament.


A dropdown to select the octave of the lowest string of the resonator.