The standard price for GeoShred Play is $9.99 USD. An upgrade to the functionality of GeoShred Pro (Play+Pro) is available as an In-App-Purchase (IAP) with a standard price of $14.99 USD. Additional instruments are available in the GeoShred Store as In-App-Purchases (IAPs).
This upgrade gives you MIDI, AUv3 Support and access to the preset editors. Additional instruments are available in the GeoShred Store as IAPs.
All prices are in US Dollars (USD). Apple sets the local territory price and may add additional local charges such as VAT, GST, HST. Prices may vary on a daily basis due to market driven international exchange rates. Always check the store in your territory for the local price.
Requires iOS/iPadOS 13.7 or later

Welcome to GeoShred Play! This video is a quick overview of GeoShred’s UI. GeoShred Play is a powerful stand-alone musical instrument that can be used to play GeoShred Pro presets. It’s a great way to get started with GeoShred! GeoShred Play gives you an expressive Guitar model and 200 guitar based presets. Explore our store featuring 33 beautifully crafted physically modeled instruments from around the world all available as in-app purchases.

GeoSWAM Instruments

Naada Instruments
About the GeoSWAM and Naada Instruments
- The GeoSWAM and Naada models are available in GeoShred as In-App-Purchases (IAPs). They may be purchased in the Store that is found in GeoShred under “Menu>Store”. For GeoShred Pro, Play and Control the standard price for each instrument is $14.99 USD. There are also Collections available.
- The following 11 GeoSWAM Instruments are available in GeoShred as IAPs: GeoTrumpet, GeoBassTrombone, GeoBassFlute, GeoPizzBass, GeoViola, GeoViolin, GeoCello, GeoTenorSax, GeoFlute, GeoClarinet and GeoOboe.
- The following 22 Naada instruments are available in GeoShred as IAPs: Bansuri, Bass, Bass Clarinet, Carnatic Violin, Cello, Dizi, Duduk, Erhu, Guan, Gaohu, Nadaswaram, Pan Flute, Pipa, Rudra Veena, Sarangi, Saraswati Veena, Sarod, Shehnai, Sitar, Suona, Viola and Zhonghu.
- The GeoSWAM and Naada instruments are expressive multidimensional instruments. They may be performed from the GeoShred keyboard, MPE controllers, Conventional MIDI controllers and Wind Controllers.
- Note: All prices are in US Dollars (USD). Apple sets the local territory price and may add additional local charges such as VAT, GST, HST. Prices may vary on a daily basis due to market driven international exchange rates. Always check the store in your territory for the local price.