[Main Help]


GeoShred's Menu is divided into App, File, Edit and Global groups.

App Group

The App group provides menu items to open the Store for In-App Purchases (IAP), Subscribe to the GeoShred newsletter, and access Help:


Used to access GeoShred's IAP store.


Used to subscribe to the GeoShred newsletter


Brings up the Help system. Also, when working with Effect inspectors in the preset editor, tapping on the '?' will bring up context-dependent help, indexed to the page for the effect currently being edited.

File Group [PRO][Studio][Control]

File operations for managing presets, MIDI configurations, and backing tracks:


Used to create a new preset from scratch.


Save the current preset. Note that factory presets and user-defined presets are in white text. If a factory preset is edited but NOT saved, it is red, and if a factory preset has been edited and saved, it is yellow. Factory presets may be reverted with the "Revert" command, returning their displayed names to white.

Save As...

Save a copy of the current preset under a new name.


Only available for edited factory presets. Revert an edited factory preset to its original state.


Rename a preset. Only available for user-defined presets.


Delete a preset. Only available for user-defined presets. Factory presets may NOT be deleted.


Share the current preset via email. If the recipient opens the email on an iOS device and clicks on the preset icon, the preset will be installed at the end of GeoShred's "All Presets" setlist.


Import GeoShred presets (.xml), MIDI configurations (.dxml), or backing tracks (audio files) from iCloud, Dropbox, or another service/app.

Export GeoShred presets (.xml), MIDI configurations (.dxml), or audio files (such as an audio recording made using Show Trace below) to iCloud, Dropbox, or another service/app.

Delete may be used to delete backing tracks from GeoShred.

Edit Group [PRO][Studio][Control]

Commands for editing Presets, the Control surface, or Setlists:

Model & FX

Model & FX is used to bring up the Preset Editor which is used to create or edit a preset.

Performance Settings

Performance Settings is a shortcut to the Performance Settings inspector which is used to configure GeoShred's keyboard, arpeggiator, master LFO, and other performance settings. Note that on iPhones, "Model & FX" and "Performance Settings" are combined into a single menu item called "Model/FX/Pf Settings".

Control Surface

Control Surface is used to bring up the Control Surface Editor which is used to configure the Control Surface, which is the controller area along the top of the screen that can be played during a performance.


Setlists brings up an inspector used to create and manage setlists.

Global Group


Settings is used to configure various GeoShred settings including Global Settings.

Mini Control Surface [PRO][Studio][Control]

The Mini Control Surface will minimize the height of the Control Surface along the top, replacing it with a smaller version containing a subset of the controls.

MIDI [PRO][Studio]

MIDI brings up an inspector for managing MIDI configurations and settings.

Set Backing Track [PRO][Studio][Control]

Set Backing Track is used to select a backing track from your (local) iTunes library, the ones that came with GeoShred, or local audio files imported via Files... > Import (see above). The backing track can either be global for all presets (allowing switching presets during a performance), or it can be only for the current preset. NOTE: Any iTunes selection must be downloaded for offline listening; if you get an error alert, open the Music app, find it there, and click on the iCloud-download icon.

Play Backing Track [PRO][Studio][Control]

Play Backing Track starts playing the backing track for the current preset from the beginning, if one has been designated.

Show Trace [PRO][Studio][Control]

Show Trace brings up a diagnostic window for tracing internal control events as well as MIDI IN/OUT events. Trace also provides a basic audio level meter useful for setting Amplifier/Preset Volume, the preset's final volume. Trace also provides a minimal Record button that is helpful for recording the audio when voicing a preset. The recording can be pulled from GeoShred using iTunes File Sharing. Under the Files... menu item, select Recording.aiff and click on Export to bring up the Save panel for iCloud Drive.