Thanks for all the great support for GeoShred! We’ve noticed in the various forums, that there are a number of common questions. Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Can you point me to the GeoShred Help Resources?
There are many resources to help you with questions that you may have about GeoShred. Here are some resources that you might find helpful.
Video User Manual and Application Notes
There is an 8 chapter video user manual, and over 30 "how-to" application notes covering many commone scenerios
- In GeoShred go to "Menu> Help> Video Manual and Application Notes"
- On our YouTube Channel at
- On the moForte Website at go to "Menu> GeoShred> Video Manual and Application Notes"
Reference Manual
- There is extensive reference manual in GeoShred under "Menu> Help"
- Online here at
- Note that there is a search box at the top of "Menu> Help" to assist you with searching the help system
The extensive FAQ topics cover the most common questions that we have been asked over the years.
- In GeoShred under "Menu> Help> FAQs".
- Online here at
Jordan Rudess Master Class
- Jordan Rudess also has a master class here:
Context Sensitive Help
- Under the '?' there is a context sensitive help system. For the three primary views it brings up bubble help. For the instruments and effects processing units it will navigate the help system. "
Help in Other Launguages
- It's possible to view the reference manual in other launguages using Google Translate.
- The User Videos can also be subtitled using Google Translate.
email Support
- Finally if you can't find what you are looking for, you can send us an email at: support '@'
Here is a video showing how to access the GeoShred Help Resources
Here is a video that shows how to access the GeoShred Help Resources in other languages using Google Translate:
How can I see the GeoShred Help Resources in another language?
It's possible to view the reference manual in other launguages using Google Transslate. Also, the User Videos can be subtitled using Google Translate. Here is a video that shows how to access the GeoShred Help Resources in other languages using Google Translate:
Can I search the GeoShred Help Resources?
Yes, there is a search box at the top of help that you can use to search the help system:

Can I see the GeoShred Help resources in China?
Unfortunately, the GeoShred help resources cannot be seen in China unless you are using a VPN. In the future, we plan to host the GeoShred help resources inside China.
Is there a PDF manual?
Because GeoShred is a complex product, we feel that expaining how GeoShred works, is best done with a video user manual. There is also a reference manual under "Menu> Help". Because the reference manual is deeply linked it does not translate well to PDF. Here is information on where to find the user video manual, and the reference manual.
Video Manual and Application Notes
- In GeoShred go to "Menu> Help> Video Manual and Application Notes"
- On our YouTube Channel at
- On the moForte Website at go to "Menu> GeoShred> Video Manual and Application Notes"
Reference Manual
- There are extensive reference help topics in GeoShred under "Menu> Help"
- Online here at
- Jordan Rudess also has a master class here:
How do I get support for GeoShred?
You can mail questions to support '@'
How do I write a Review?
If you like GeoShred please consider writing a review. The reviews help us keep the features coming. You can write a review for GeoShred by tapping on "Menu> Help> Review Button" (on the bottom of the page).

What is the difference between GeoShred Pro, Piay and Control?
We have a flyer for the family of products at Look at page 2 there is a comparison. Basically Pro is everything. Play is a preset player, no MIDI, no AUv3 plugin. Control is a MIDI/MPE controller, no built in engine.

How does the upgrade to Pro work?
GeoShred Play and GeoShred Control can be upgraded to the functionality of GeoShred Pro. Apple does not allow us to convert one app to another. What the Pro upgrade does is we turn on all the Pro features. GeoShred Play+Pro or GeoShred Control+Pro and GeoShred Pro are identical. Normally the way that this works is that you chose "Pro Upgrade" from the menu and Apple will run you through their eCommerce flow.

You will see this:

After you have upgraded all the greyed out [PRO] menus are now available:

And the launch screen will say "+ Pro upgrade":

If you download GeoShred Play to a second device using the same Apple ID (Apple Allows up to 5 devices, Apple's app download will NOT download your IAP. You can manually download it with "Restore Purchases"

Is there a trial version of GeoShred?
There is not a trial version of GeoShred because the iTunes App Store does not support trial versions of Paid Apps. Apple's App Approval Guidelines specifically disallows Paid Apps that are trial versions. There is a lower cost version of GeoShred called "GeoShred Play" which is a player for GeoShred Presets, no MIDI, no preset editing, no AUv3 plugin interface. It can be found here:
Can I put GeoShred on my other iOS device?
Apple's policy is that you can download an app up to 5 different devices as long as they share the same Apple ID.
Normally the way that this works, is on the second device, you go to the App Store App, search for the version of GeoShred that you own (GeoShred Play or GeoShred Pro or GeoShred Control) and you should see a cloud icon to download it again.
If you are transferring an in-app-purchase to a second device, you need to tap on the "Restore Purchase" Menu item to restore the purchase
Can I have both GeoShred Play and GeoShred Pro on my iOS device?
It's not good to have more than one GeoShred on your device. For instance, GeoShred Play and GeoShred Pro.
This is because all GeoShreds share the same AUv3 interface to assist users with migrating projects from Play to Pro or from Control to Pro.
Having more than one GeoShred can cause hosts to become confused about which GeoShred should be hosted. If you do happen to have more than one, chose the GeoShred that you plan to keep, usually Pro, and delete the other one, Play or Control. Be sure to backup your presets with "Menu> File" before deleting.
You may also want to reboot your device, to get the system to re-index the AUv3 Plugins.
GeoShred is not right for me, how do I get a refund?
We are sorry that you don't like the app. Note that Apple is responsible for all eCommerce. Here are instructions for how to get a refund from Apple:
Will GeoShred be available for Android?
GeoShred is only available for iOS devices. The basic reason that GeoShred is not on Android, is that most Android devices don't currently support low latency audio and iOS devices do. If you touch the screen it may be up to a second later before sound comes out, so GeoShred on Android would not be playable as a musical instrument. Google has a solution that is called the Low Latency Audio Path. We are optimistic that in the next year, device manufacturers will begin to adopt this technology, and that it will be possible to have a version of GeoShred that runs on Android devices that support the Low Latency Audio Path.
What about GeoShred for Windows?
Audio latency for Windows is reasonable. We will likely have a windows VST for GeoShred late 2021. However the Surface touchscreen latency can be poor. We measured 310 ms on an ASUS surface. It needs to be more like 10ms to 20ms. Touch screen latency is really not a function of how fast the device is. It's related to buffering in the the hardware/software path between the touch screen and the CPU. We don't see that hardware manufacturers have any incentive to improve this to reach the level of performance found on iOS devices.
How do I connect GeoShred MIDI to Mac or PC based AUs/VSTs?
Connecting an iOS device for MIDI to Mac or PC based VSTs
- The basic deal is, you need to get midi from an iOS device to a mac or a PC. This is an iOS issue and is not specific to GeoShred. In order to do that there are three possible solutions:
- You can use a digital interface like an iConnectivity Audio4+. This will work for either a mac or a PC.
- If you are on a mac, then you can directly connect to the mac using a standard USB lightning cable.
- For devices running iOS 11/macOS 10.13 or greater, this is supported directly by the iOS/macOS. Here is a video application note on how to do that.
- If you are on iOS < 11.x or < macOS 10.13, there is a product called MIDImux/StudioMux that can do this for you. Here is an application note on how to do that.
- If you are on a PC, Windows does not natively support MIDI over USB. I'm not sure why this is, but it's a major limitation for MIDI on Windows. If you want to use a standard USB lightning cable, you can use a third-party product called studiomux
- The second part of the problem, is that you most likely want to use the MPE MIDI configuration under Menu> MIDI. Note that many synths (VSTs) do not support MPE, but are multi-timbral. In that case you will want to chose the "Multi" MIDI configuration under Menu> MIDI.
- The third part of the problem, is that you need to match the pitch bend range between GeoShred, and the target synth (AU or VST) on the mac or windows. side. GeoShred sends RPN0, which is the midi command for setting to pitch bend range on the target synthesizer. However, many AU/VSTs do not implement this correctly. In which case, you will need to manually set the pitch bend range in the AU/VST's UI to match the pitch been range that's in the multi midi configuration.
How do I control GarageBand virtual instruments with GeoShred?
GarageBand does not publish its MIDI port. GarageBand is setup to only respond to physical MIDI controllers. Thus GeoShred (or any iOS MIDI controller) is not able to send MIDI to GarageBand. There is a work around using an app called "midiflow" which has figured out how to bridge virtual MIDI into GarageBand.
Here is our video on how to control GarageBand Virtual Instruments from GeoShred using midiflow. Please look at this carefully. You must follow all the steps, like turning on background audio for GarageBand, MPE, etc, etc.
How do I use GeoShred to control the Desktop SWAM instruments?
We have a video showing how to setup SWAM on a desktop to be played by GeoShred:
I’m having challenges with IAA, what can I do?
Apple has depcrated IAA in favor of AUv3. We feel that IAA remains an important use case for recording projects. That being said, for the time being IAA still works, but we are noticing some things that don't work as well. Here are some tips for getting IAA to work well
- Sometimes the system can't seem to launch an IAA app. We see this for other apps besides GeoShred. This can be mitigated by launching GeoShred before making an IAA connection.
- There is a shuttle control object provided by Apple that will appear in GeoShred (and other apps) that is intended to start/stop recording. At the present time this shuttle control does not seem to be reliable. We see problems with it in other apps as well. This issue can be mitigated by starting and stopping your recording from the host, for instance GarageBand
Where are Mahesh’s presets?
Mahesh's presets can be found in moForte's blog at the link below. Be sure to use Safari to open this page because Chrome does nto have the rights to launch GeoShred which is necessary to install the presets.
How do I transpose for Indian Music?
Western Music and Indian Music handle transposition differently.
- In western music the root of a scale can be changed to be a different pitch, and the scale will take on the name of the new root. For intance if the root of a major scale is changed from 'C' to 'D' then the scale will be called D Major
- In Indian Music, the root of the Raga is always 'Sa'. It's common for the instrumental performer to transpose and fine tune their instrument to match a singer.
- In western music it makes sense to transpose a scale by a semitone by changing the root from 'C' to 'D'. However in Indian music, if a Raga is transposed by a semitone, the root would still be called 'Sa' and not 'Re'
In order to transpose a raga, it's best to use the preset or global transposition mechanisms rather than changing the root. Here is a procedure that you can use to do this
- You may wish to chage the note names from western to svara note names. You can do this under "Menu> Settings> Note Name Fonts> Svara"
- If you wish to transpose the current preset, look under "Menu> Model *& FX>Guitar> Guitar" and you will find a Course Tune (semitones) and Fine Tune control (cents).
- If you need to change these frequently, you can put these two controls on your control surface as sliders.
- If you wish to transpose all presets globally, look under "Menu> Settings> Tuning> Global"
How do I setup my own scale or temperament in GeoShred?
You can create your own scales, and the scale can be in any temperament that you define using ETdiffs (percent difference from Equal Temperament). Here is a video that shows you how to create your own scales and temperaments:
Do you support Scala files?
At the moment, GeoShred does not support reading Scala files. We plan to support this in a future release.
However, you can create your own scales, and the scale can be in any temperament that you define using ETdiffs (percent difference from Equal Temperament). Here is a video that shows you how to create your own scales and temperaments:
How do I record my performance?
You can record GeoShred to an iOS DAW as either and audio track or MIDI track. Audio tracks can be recorded using either Inter App Audio (IAA) or AudioBus. MIDI tracks can be recoded using GeoShred's AUv3 plugin interface. You can also record GeoShred's Audio directly to a host based DAW using the IDAM interface.
Here are the app notes on using GeoShred's AUv3 Interface, Audio Bus and iDAM.
How do I get the best performance live?
- Only run apps that you need for your performance.
- Re-launch GeoShred, and any other app you are using, and do sound check before live performance.
- Do not use a wireless charger. Wireless charging can interfer with touches on the screen and can result in lost touches.
- If using the 1/8" jack to connect to a sound system, be sure to connect to an electrically isolated input. Stray voltage on an a non-isolated input can interfer with touches on the screen and can result in lost touches
- iOS Settings that should be modified unless you need them:
- Turn on Airplane mode
- Turn off Wi-Fi
- If you are NOT using a Bluetooth, turn off Bluetooth
- Turn on [Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb]
- Turn off [General | Control Center | Access Within Apps]
- Turn off [Battery | low power mode]
- Turn off [General | Accessibility modes]
- Turn off [Display and Brightness | Auto-Lock]
- On iPad turn off [General | Multitasking | Allow Multiple Apps]
- On iPad turn off [General | Multitasking | Picture in Picture]
- On iPad turn off [General | Multitasking | Gestures]
- If you are running an iPhone be sure to not hit more than 5 notes at the same time, because of hardware limitations touches will get cancelled and all sound will be shut off on the 6th touch.
- Break a leg!
My iOS device is missing touches. What can I do?
- Have you quit all apps and rebooted your device?
- Is your device running short on memory. Look in Settings App> General> Storage.
- Are you connected to a charger. Being connected to a charger can cause a loss of touches from the screen due to electrical issues. Also I've noticed that if my iPad is touching my computer that I can see lost touches.
- Wireless chargers can cause lots of problems. Look at our video for what happened near a wireless charger in a Starbucks:
- If using the 1/8" jack to connect to a sound system, be sure to connect to an electrically isolated input. Stray voltage on an a non-isolated input can interfer with touches on the screen and can result in lost touches.
- Have you looked at our notes on tips for live performance:
How do I backup my presets?
"Menu> Files" can be used to backup your user presets.

"Menu> Files" The "Export" button can be used to copy your preset to your iCloud storage. You can also use "Import" to copy previously saved presets into GeoShred

"Export" and "Import" will bring up the standard iCloud file browser.

Here is a video with further information:
Does GeoShred support MIDI?
Is there be an iPhone version of GeoShred?
Yes, As of January 2017 GeoShred supports both the iPad (iPad 2 or better) and the iPhone (iPhone 4s or better).
What is the difference between GeoShred and Geo Synth?
GeoShred's synthesis engine is based on advanced Physical Modeling Synthesis. Geo Synthesizer uses a sample based engine. Both instruments have isomorphic keyboards, but the controller facilities are quite different. The GeoShred Keyboard has also been extended to support any tuning.
Why does distortion with normal chords sound muddy?
This muddy sound for conventional chords is caused by something called intermodulation distortion and it's just like a real distorted guitar. Here is an example of how to get clean distorted chords using hexaphonic strings
Why can’t I find the Key of G# in the scales?
Generally there is not a key of G# because it requires having a double sharp in the key. That is why it's often notated with it's enharmonic equivalent Ab. Here is a reference on that topic: and here as well: , The number flats and sharps that are in a musical key are determined by the cycle of 5ths.
Key Cb Gb Db Ab Eb Bb F C G D A E B F# C# Number #(s) or b(s) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The "Sharp keys" add sucessive sharps using the ascending cycle of 5ths pattern F,C,G,D,A,E,B The "Flat keys" add successive flats using the decending cycle of 5ths pattern Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,Gb
- G# is the same as Ab
- Gb is the same as F#
- Cb is the same as B
Which iPad should I get to run GeoShred?
If you want your iPad to stay current for several years, then we recommend that you get an iPad that at least runs the current verision of iOS (iOS 13). Though GeoShred runs on older iPads, some features are not, available in the older version of iOS (AUv3 plugin support for instance). Here is a list that might help you with your decision: And as always we recommend that users get the most powerful iOS device that they can afford.
How do I redeem and app or in-app-purchase code in the iTunes App Store.
- Go to the App Store App
- Tap on the icon on the bottom "Apps"
- Scroll all the way to the bottom
- Type or paste the code in the "Redeem" box.
- If you are redeeming an app, you will need to seach for the app and tap on the cloud icon to download.
- If you are redeeming an in-app-purchase, you will need to launch the app and find the "Restore Purchaes" menu item.
The AUv3 Plugin window is messed up, what can I do?
Sometimes there can be issues with how the AUv3 plugin window for GeoShred looks for some hosts. This can ususally be fixed by double tapping the mini-control surface icon '^' in the upper right.

Plugin window issues are due to ambiguity in how AUv3 hosts should handle setting the bounds of a plugin window, and how plugins should interpret the bounds. Overtime we have been factoring out special case code for specific hosts.
How to I change the range of the Whammy?
Here is how you change the range of the Whammy. For instance from +/-24 to +/-2: .
- Menu> Control Surface
- Tap on Whammy to bring up the inspector
- Change the range from -24 .. 24 to -2 .. 2 (a full step, ie 2 semitones)

How does Velocity and pressure work on a device without 3D touch?
For devices that support 3D touch, Velocity and Pressure (KeyZ) come directly from the screen. You can set 3D touch parameters from "Menu> Settings":

You can modify the 3D Touch velocity sensitivity curve under "Menu> Settings> 3D Touch Velocity":

You can modify the 3D Touch pressure sensitivity curve under "Menu> Settings> 3D Touch Pressure":

For devices that DO NOT support 3D touch, velocity can be set by using the KeyY vertical position (KeyY Touch), and Pressure is automatically mapped to KeyY. You can set KeyY touch parameters from "Menu> Settings":

You can modify the KeyY Touch velocity sensitivity curve under "Menu> Settings> KeyY Touch Velocity":

How do I play a backing track?
There are two menu items that are relevant for backing tracks. "Set Backing Track" and "Play Backig Track"
A backing track can be assigned to the current preset, or globally.
There are 3 ways to set the backing track.
- If you use "Menu> Set Backing Track> iTunes ...", it will bring up the iTunes inspector. However you need to have transferred music from your computer to your device with iTunes.
- If you use "Menu> Set Backing Track> Factory ...", you can select a backing track from the backing tracks that are included in the GeoShred installation.
- If you use "Menu> Set Backing Track> File ..." you need to have added backing tracks to your copy of GeoShred with "Menu> Files ... >Import". Import will bring up the iCloud browser so that you can import files into GeoShred with iCloud, Dropbox, ... other cloud based file sharing system
It's also possible to put a backing track "Play" button on your control surface.
We have a video that covers backing tracks in GeoShred:
How do I create my own setlist?
Creating setlists is covered extensively in Chapter 6 of the video manual:
I can’t see GS AUv3 interface after upgrade?
Sometimes iOS does not correctly index an AUv3 plugin when GeoShred is installed. The first thing to try is to reboot the device. If the AUv3 plugin is still not visible, you may need to delete and install GeoShred again.
When do you have sales?
We usually have a sale on Cyber Monday. The Monday after US Thanksgiving. We sometimes have a sale in mid summer with no specific date.
Can I swap the control surface to the bottom?
In the current release of GeoShred, you cannot swap the control surface from the top to the bottom. We plan that for a future release. You can however minimize the control surface for a mini-control surface using the "Minimize" control in the upper right>
What do the colors of the preset names mean?
Factory presets and User presets are in white text.

If a Factory preset is edited but NOT saved, it's red

if a Factory preset has been edited and saved it's yellow.

Factory presets may be reverted with the "Revert" command and will return to being white text.

How do I share presets with friends?
Edited presets can be shared by email using the Menu item "Menu> Share"

How do I setup GeoShred to work with the Seaboard?
Under "Menu> MIDI" chose the "Roli Seaboard" MIDI configuration.

Here is a video showing the Seaboard controlling GeoShred:
How do I setup GeoShred to work with the LinnStrument?
We have a video showing how to setup the LinnStrument with GeoShred
How do I setup GeoShred to work with the Hakan Continuum?
We have a video showing how to setup the Continuum to work with GeoShred:
Will GeoShred replace a guitar?
Nope! We love guitars. We are passionate about the whole stringed instrument family (technically known as chordophones). We own and play many varieties of these instruments. GeoShred makes it possible for musicians (not just guitar players) to experience some of the expressive opportunities that, until recently, have only been available to guitar players. Things like feedback/distortion, power chords, harmonics, string scraping, polyphonic slides and bends. Plus, it goes beyond what a real guitar can do. With the arpeggiator, curves and physical parameters like stiffness, you can create guitar inspired expressive sounds that could not be achieved on a real guitar.
Will Physical Modeling replace sampling?
Does GeoShred Run on the iPad 2?
Currently GeoShred runs on all iPad models except the original iPad, which was discontinued in March of 2011.
The iPad 2 is not as powerful as later generation iPads. As such, GeoShred may not be able to run as many effects as a more recent device. GeoShred has a red CPU LED that will light up if the processor is overtaxed. The user may turn off some effects if this situation occurs.
All of the presets shipped with GeoShred are designed to run on an iPad 2 or better.
I have no sound on my iPad 2. What can I do?
When we hear about this problem, it often has to do with mute being stuck on, frequently on an iPad 2, early iPad Mini, early iPhone.
- Are other apps on the device able to make sound?
- Is the mute switch set to make sound? On early devices this is a physical switch, on later devices this is an option in control center (vertical slide up to raise control center).
- Have you tried quitting GeoShred and relaunching it?
- Have you tried booting the device.
- If the device is an iPad 2, it's very common for the mute to get stuck on, because the same switch is used for mute or auto-rotate lock. Here is an article on how folks solve the "iPad 2 Mute Stuck On" problem:
I can't get a per string volume swell to work, what's wrong?
The issue is most likely that you need to enable per-string-volume on the guitar, which is seperate from the Poly Expr assignment for KeyY. Take a look at this video: the other per-string controllers, which are enabled automatically, per string volume has to be enabled manually in the guitar. We will fix this at some point. In the mean time the video above shows how to get per-string-volume to work.
How do I change the range of the Whammy?
To change the range of the whammy go to:
- Menu> Control Surface
- Tap on Whammy to bring up the inspector
- Change the range from -24 .. 24 to -2 .. 2 (a full step, ie 2 semitones)
Here is a video that shows how to do this: is there a delay with BlueTooth Audio?
Bluetooth audio is not designed to support real time performance. It has a built in delay that can be up to 1 second long. Note that the same is true of AirPlay. Note that this is an issue with how BlueTooth Audio works, and note a GeoShred issue.
How do I connect my device to an amplifier?
Typically you need to use an 1/8" (3.5mm) adapter cable.
- If you device has an 1/8" (3.5mm), then plug into that jack directly with the cable.
- If your device does not have an 1/8" (3.5mm), but has a lightning connector, then you will need a lightning to 1/8" (3.5mm) adapter like this: - If your device does not have an 1/8" (3.5mm), but has a USB/C connector, then you will need a USB/C to 1/8" (3.5mm) adapter like this:
It's also possible to use a digital interface. There are many models available.
Note that Bluetooth and AirPlay will not work because they have built in delay.